Michael Germi

My Bio

Michael Germi’s Bio

 Michael was born and raised in a Muslim family in Iran. In early childhood, through the influence of his family and school, Michael learned to practice Islam praying five times a day toward Mecca, fasting in Ramadan, doing self-mutilation for the cause of Allah, keeping the Sharia Law and many more rituals in order to avoid the punishment in hell. Practicing Islam not only didn’t give him peace but made him more depressed and hopeless because of not knowing if his religious deeds were good enough to get him out of hell. Committing sins and youthful lusts made him more fearful of going to hell. Michael grew up with fear of going to hell and seeking to find salvation.

Michael migrated to Australia with a work and holiday visa in 2006. After three years of living in Sydney, he was invited to church through a Persian coworker. At first, Michael didn’t accept his invitation since it would have been disrespectful to his own religion, but because of his persistence, and because Michael needed an Australian permanent visa, he found excuses to attend a church.

As Michael walked into an Iranian Christian church for the very first time in his life in 2009, he was so amazed and surprised to see how Christians worship with joy, singing, and praising God. He was amazed to see the purity and integrity of Christians, which contrasted with what he had heard about Christians back in his home country.

Michael was able to purchase a Bible and start reading it for the first time in his life. As he read it, he realized that the Bible was not powerless and vain as other religious books. he acknowledged that it contained the answer for life, and it could change his life. The Bible was so precious to him that he read it for many hours each day. Michael read through the Bible once in a month time because it was satisfying his soul and mind, but still Michael was not sure how he could be sure of his eternal destiny, until he met Keith Piper, pastor of Liberty Baptist Church in North Rocks, who told Michael from the Bible how he could be sure of going to heaven. Hearing the Gospel, Michael acknowledged his sinfulness and realized that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty of his sins. Michael received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior on August 29th, 2009, claiming Romans 10:13 and John 1:12. Everything changed in his life after that. All fear was gone and the peace and joy flooded into his heart.

Michael surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus for ministry on the very first day of his salvation. The Lord started to lead and direct him. Michael was called to study theology at Sydney Bible Baptist College to prepare for ministry. After four years of studying hard, he was able to graduate from Bible College in 2014.

From 2012-2018, Michael served at Liberty Baptist Church in North Rocks as a preacher ministering to Farsi-speaking people in Sydney in a separate Farsi service. During Pastor Piper’s Bible studies, he interpreted the lessons from English to Farsi, so Farsi-speaking people could understand and be edified. Michael has written four Farsi Christian books, “Learn Of Me” and “Sweeter Than Honey”, “God’s Love Letter”, and “Messages from the Epistle of Romans”.

God’s call to USA since 2018:

Michael had a phone call from Christian Radio International (CRI) in 2017. Dr. George Zarris, the founder of CRI, invited him to the USA to preach the Gospel in the Farsi language, so he could deliver the messages via satellite TV. Since 2018 Iran Alive Ministries satellite TV channel called Shabakeh 7, and Radio Mojdeh started broadcasting Michael’s Gospel messages into Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan, three Farsi-speaking countries with a total of 110 million Farsi speakers.

Michael was ordained by Pastor Wayne Van Gelderen at his home church (Falls Baptist church, Menomonee Falls, WI) in January 2022. He was appointed as a missionary at Baptist World Mission in October 2018. Michael continued his Bible education and was graduated in Master of arts in Bible Translation from Baptist Theological seminary in May 2022.

The Lord has opened new doors of opportunity for Michael to evangelize and plant churches in the Middle East this year. Michael’s vision is to plant many Baptist churches around the world where Persians are scattered and fulfill the Great Commission as the Lord Jesus has commanded to every believer. He also has a vision of continuing to preach the Gospel to his own people via media, so that they can come to know Jesus as their Savior and have eternal life. Please pray that the hand of the Lord be upon him as he serves.


~ Michael Germi

My Schedule

Want me to speak at your church or event?

Between my TV and radio broadcasts I travel the country to speak at churches and other Christian events. I provide updates on Iran (Persia), errors in the Quaran, and how to witness to Muslims because our Lord loves and wants all to come to the Knowledge of the truth about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You can review my availability on my Calendar.

My Published Books For Sale


I have written several books as a man saved from the discouragement of Islam and into the love of God and walking in fellowship with him through Jesus Christ.

  • Learn of Me
  • Sweeter Than Honey
  • God’s Love Letter

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